Title: Your lie in April 

Genre: Slice of life, romance, high school, music, drama.

Aired: 10 October 2014 - 22

 March 2015

Episode: 22

Your lie in april - Anime review 

IMDb rating: 8.6 / 10

Myanimelist rating: 8.8 / 10

Crunchyroll rating: 4.8 / 5

Personal rating: 9/10

Your lie in april is a Japanese anime series adapted from the Japanese manga series 'Your lie in april' by Naoshi Arakawa. The Manga series was being published in Kodansha's Monthly Shonen Magazine from April 2011 to May 2015. Then in 2014 the A-1 pictures started casting this anime series which was directed by Kyohei Ishiguro.

The main character of the series is Kousei Arima who has been a great pianist since childhood. People used to call him a prodigy. He granted  first position in all the piano competitions he has participated in. But at one point he stopped playing the piano. Another character in the series, Kaori Miyazono, is a violinist. She always goes out of her way to play the violin, which gives a lot of joy to the audience. The other two characters are Tsubaki and Watari who are both childhood friends of Kosei.

The story of the series is mainly about Kousei and Kaori. Kousei was once the best pianist. The reason was that his mother used to train him strictly on the piano, and his mother would beat him if he could not play properly. Everyone loved playing his piano, but many called him a puppet controlled by his mother. But after the death of his mother, Kousei was emotionally broken. He got so traumatized that he couldn't even hear himself playing the piano. So he quit playing the piano. Then 2 years passed. One day his friend Tsukabi came to him and said that a girl liked their friend Watari. That afternoon they went to meet the girl. That girl is Kaori. Kousei first met Kaori that day and then the story goes on.

At one point Kaori arrived and asked Kousei that she needed a pianist assistant to join the violin competition. So she asked Kousei to be her assistant. Although he did not agree at first. He agreed when Kaori forced him. But he couldn't play the piano because of his mental problems. Then Kaori decided that she would fix Kousei's problem anyway. And the story of the series continues accordingly.

At some point, Kousei unknowingly fell in love with Kaori. But he couldn't speak his mind because he knew that Kaori liked his friend Watari. But from time to time he fell in love with Kaori even more. It was hurtinghim a lot. Thus the story of the series continues.

Your lie in april is that kind of series which has been able to touch every persons heart who have watched it. The series reveals the bonds of friendship, silent love, the pain of losing a loved one and moving forward in life by accepting all the sorrows. The story of the series, the surroundings, the presentation, the graphics all touch the hearts of the fans. So it is safe to say that Your lie in april is one of the best anime series.

Personal opinion: This is one of the best anime series I've ever watched. And yes, that's when I became an anime fan. Or you can say a weeb. So this series is deeply connected with my emotion. The most ridiculous thing is that after watching the last few episodes of the series, tears flowed from our eyes like all the other fans. Many of them were crying like a baby. Now many will ask about the name of the series. You will get the answer after watching the last episode of the series.

Author: Afnanul Smoron 

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