Title: Fullmetal: Brotherhood
Genre: Action, adventure, dark fantasy
Aired: April 5, 2009 - July 4, 2010
Episode: 64
IMDb rating: 9.1 / 10
MAL rating: 9.3 / 10
Rotten tomatoes rating: 100%
Personal rating: 9/10
Fullmetal alchemist: Brotherhood is an anime series based on the manga (comic) series called Fullmetal alchemist. Hiromu Arakawa is the author of the manga (comic) series. The anime series was directed by Yasuhiro Irie and produced by Bones studio. Before the full release of the manga (comic) series, another anime series called Fullmetal Alchemist was released which did not have a complete match with the story manga (comic). Moreover, the series did not get much popularity. So later Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood was created which became very popular and was added to the list of the best anime series of all time.
The main character of the series is Edward Elric who is an alchemist. The other character is his younger brother Alphonse Elric and he is also an alchemist. Both of them were able to become alchemists at a very young age so their popularity increased. Everyone in the state knows Edward as the fullmetal alchemist. At the beginning of the series they follow a pernicious process to bring back their dead mother. But they fail and they lose some part of their body. The story of the anime series is about the journey of getting their bodies back.
Earlier in the series, their father left home and their mother died a few days later. Then they became alchemists with training. One day they tried to bring back their dead mother through human transmutation which was very harmful. They failed at it. As a result, Edward lost his left leg and Alphonse lost his entire body. Edward then binds his brother in an old big suit of armor to save his brother. As a result, the suit of armor becomes the temporary body of Alphonse. But as a result, Edward lost his right arm.
Alphonse later takes his brother Edward to their friend Winry Rockbell. Winry Rockbell is their childhood friend and an automail engineer. After Edward recovers, Winry gives him an iron arm and iron leg. And within a few days Edward began to move well. Once they know that Edward will get his body and Alphonse will get his body back through Philosopher's stone So they set out in search of that Philosopher's stone and that's how the main story of the series begins.
fullmetal alchemist
At one point he joined the military as an alchemist, gaining the reputation of being the youngest state alchemist in history. He was 12 years old at the time of joining. Edward is naturally very clever and adventurous. Their journey took a new turn after joining the military. In this way, their journey continues and the story of the series continues. Over time, they encountered various obstacles, and with intelligence and courage, they overcame all obstacles.
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Fullmetal alchemist: Brotherhood is undoubtedly one of the best anime series of all time. Surrounding, brotherly love for brother, bond of friendship, horror of genocide and war, abuse of power, political conspiracy, dazzling action, confusing thrilling story are all revealed in the series.
Fullmetal alchemist
Personal Opinion: Fullmetal alchemist: Brotherhood is one of the best anime series I've ever seen. Although the main character is Edward, my favorite character is Colonel Roy Mustang who is a flame alchemist. Finally, I will say one thing, "Never judge a book by its cover". Those who have seen the series know how awesome the series is.
Author: Afnanul Smoron
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